Scouts QLD New Member Joining Fees
There is a one time new member enrolment fee which is charged on a pro rata basis dependent on the month you join. This is invoiced directly from Scouts Qld once initial membership application submitted. Please refer to Scoutsqld.com.au for more information.
Gumdale Scouts Fees (every 6 months)
Gumdale Scouts Unit fees are requested every 6 months (March and September).
These fees cover such things as local hall maintenance, training of adult leaders, facility insurance contributions, equipment levy, ScoutQld membership renewal fee and administration expenses.
For a youth member it is:
$335 for 6 months or
$16.75 per week.
Families will be invoiced directly by Gumdale Scout Group Treasurer.
FairPlay Voucher
Gumdale Scout Group also accepts the FairPlay Voucher. Eligible Parents, Carers or Guardians can apply for a voucher from the Government valued up to $150 for each child, this can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees, limited to 1 voucher per child per calendar year.
Additonal Fees
Due to the variable nature of camps or excursions, e.g. location, special equipment, qualified supervision, etc, costs are covered directly by those attending and will in invoiced accordingly.